If I'm honest, when I say "zines" I almost entirely mean ttrpg zines, although that's likely to change in the near future -- aside from system-neutral rpg stuff, I have one that's arguably straight-up fiction and I'm hoping to muster myself to gather up my little microfictions and maybe a bigger(ish) story into zine formats some time in the future.
Also there's at least one idea slowly percolating that isn't rpg-related really and isn't fiction strictly, so that will be more like an "actual" zine if I ever actually do it, I suppose? *lol*
Some zines here (Beasts In Shining Beads and Lindwyrm, for example) are printed on both sides of one sheet and then folded, stapled and trimmed to get a 16-page minizine. Here are the folding instructions:
To fold Wandering Wayfarers, fold each sheet as above, nest the second (folded) sheet inside the first, staple and trim.
To get Raspberry Ruminations doing what you want, print it double-sided, and cut the stack (well, two sheets) in half exactly as they are, both at once. Stack the half with the covers on top of the other half, fold and staple.
🤖 Hey, You're A Cool Super *-ing Robot!
a wee rpg brazenly inspired by Mega Man and Mega Man X
a mysterious mushroom merchant in dungeon deep
12 enchanted animal companions in pretty little amulets
🐉 Lindwyrm: a small labyrinth game
an attempt at putting a cliff notes version of an oldschool D&D (.. mostly) into one sheet of paper
🦁 Lindwyrm Lockbox: some small additions
more critters and PC options, spells and tables, etc for Lindwyrm
Lindwyrm and Lindwyrm Lockbox as single wee pages (for phone reading!) below:
Lindwyrm (single pages)
Lindwyrm Lockbox (single pages)
😺 Wandering Wayfarers
😺 Wandering Wayfarers (single pages)
the 60 critters from my Bevy Of Beasties posts + 60 short npc descriptions
31 unliving encounters and other ghostie-related ideas
30 unusual types and origins of fantasy swords (on the line between 'ttrpg' and 'stuff', really)
🌱 Raspberry Ruminations (print and fold)
🌱 Raspberry Ruminations (single pages)
a quarter-page-sized zine about a small raspberry bush stubbornly growing at a bus stop, and what the raspberry taught me
🏰 Castles In The Sky (print and fold)
🏰 Castles In The Sky (single pages)
a quarter-page-sized zine about why it's important to just enjoy the things we love, and that daydreaming about them is Good And Valid, Actually
📓 Hand-Stitching Zines: or other small book things
a half-page-sized zine (with a few doodles, even) demonstrating three simple types of binding zines/notebooks/etc by sewing them