
One night at work, not too long after join the fediverse and in a fit of /something/, I scratched out an extremely bare-bones little game that squeezed into one toot; I called it Moonpack:

° You are a werewolf. °
● spend 4 +1s on: Folk (tools, making), Wolf (wilderness, hunt), Moon (magic, shifting)
● pick a Sept; +1 to in-theme tests.
Ironjaws, Shadow Fang, Greenphase, Ghostsnare, Wild Hunt, Gravehowl

● Tests: 2d6, diffs 4(easy)/8/10/12+(mythic)
> add +1s to total

● Werewolf: +2 fight, +1 Moon; silver weakness

● Enemies
> may need 1+ succ. to defeat
Bonewolves, Sunswallowers, Black Moon Apex ...
> diff. sets danger

● Injury: 3 pips. Werewolf has 4; be careful!

And then bolted on a second toot, with a few extra magic(idea)s and a little more for Septs:

//Moonpack appendix//
° gifts of the moon °

● Moon-magic:
Predator's Stare, Changebite, Steelfur, Moonbow, Silent Howling, Silverfangs,
 Beastform Night, Moon's Frenzy, Hunter's Balm, Grey Halo, Flame Halo, 
Preymark, Spirit Snare, Corpsespeak

● Septs:
Ironjaws (protect, fight)
Shadow Fang (info network)
Greenphase (cultivation)
Ghostsnare (spirit trapping + exorcism)
Wild Hunt (tracking + terrorizing)
Gravehowl (underworld dealings)
Nightwatch (secrets, histories)
Clawwrights (mystic crafters)

Someday I might do more with this, or format it up into a proper little minizine, or something; but until then, here it is ~

🐈 go back ~!