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I'm not dead I just feel that way

The spring has been kicking my arse.

With stuff like the hole in my bathroom ceiling half the size of me, and several online acquaintances having crises of everything, and just general malaise at the entire universe (have you seen the rest of the universe lately?) ...


I also spent some time packing up all the contents of my WordPress rpg blog (because fuck Automattic) and ultimately put it all on Dreamwidth because there's just too many tables and too much formatting for me to toss it all here on smol.pub/in gemtext and I turned out to just not have the mental and emotional bandwidth to make a static website right now, much as I want to.

On the upside I'm only one rpg thing "behind" on here now, having just posted the first of the Bevy Of Beasties on the ttrpg page --

On the downside I'm only one thing "behind" on here because I haven't been writing much of anything, and certainly no fiction micro or otherwise.


But I'm not dead yet. I'm still kicking and trying.

Tomorrow morning contractors arrive to poke at the hole in the ceiling again.

🐈 go back ~!