The Last Bevy

for now ~

Bogcoil: Despite rumours of giants, these sleek brown squid seem to stay just big enough to be a hazard if you wade through their swamp. 1 HD, AC 12, +1 tentacle (1d6), ML 6, aquatic, camouflage: always win initiative

Mellioseus: This skeleton is missing bits and fragments and it offers other shards with its rictus smile. Its strange pastel bones are brittle … and sweet. 1 HD, AC 10, +1 fist (1d4), ML 12, undead, sweet death: a palmful of bone sustains as rations

Stingjewel: Oversized scorpions like crystal sculptures, each one a different colour. 1 HD, AC 13, +1 sting (1d3 + 1d6 elemental) or cling (0, +2 to sting next action), ML 7, elemental: does [element]-type damage, causing vuln to same for 1 hr

Chosen Of The Shimmer: Strange ascetics with silvered eyes and nails like mirrors, offering prophecy or ecstasy or doom as the light guides them. 2 HD, AC 10, +2 mirror-staff (1d6), ML 9, 1d3 spells, dazzle: blind or -1 to rolls, 4 hours

Cinnabone: The skeleton of one violent, stained crimson with the blood once spilled and spilled once more. 2 HD, AC 12, +2 fist or weapon (1d8 + bleed 1d4), ML 12, undead, bloodfeast: heals damage dealt

Fool's Luck: A pile of coin and scrap silver and discarded bits of finery! – or the other skin of a coppery-gold jelly that lunges towards fresh gilt. 2 HD, AC 12, +2 dissolve (1d8, does not affect precious objects), ML 12, tithe: Save or press a small bauble or handful of coins into the jelly

Heronarch: Between blinks this long-necked, long-legged bird is now a callous-handed soul in wool and leather, leister in hand, still not bothered being hip-deep in the marsh. 2 HD, AC 11, +2 weapon or beak (1d6), ML 8, flying, shapechange, animate foliage (20’ rad.), marsh compass

Altarhaunt: The temple is gone, the sacred space empty, yet a pale shade prowls the grounds at night, tracing foundations, lamenting silently. 3 HD, AC 16, +3 mournsoul (2d4), ML 12, mundane immune, phantom ritual: Save or begin pantomiming temple rituals (2d3 hrs), reforms unless site blessed or reconsecrated

Sandbrat: All the desire to loll on the beach forever, in a shifting bundle of sand, stubborness and shed memories. Come play! 3 HD, AC 11, +3 buffet (1d6), ML 8, mirage: compelled to beach frolic for 1d3 hours, sandbite: -1 to rolls for 12 hrs

Servant Of The End: Wrapped in blackened shrouds, eyes like two voids, this sorcerer desires only to feed its master: Nothing. 4 HD, AC 11, +4 strike (1d3), ML 11, 3d4 spells, inflict Fear, black hole: Save or one target/subject disappears, returning if Servant is killed within 12 hrs

Silent One: A mantis, 7’ tall and sharp as steel, rippled with forge-marks, razor limbs folded precisely. A gleam of wisdom in black eyes. No sound, but etches poetry. 5 HD, AC 14, +5 jacknife arms (2d6/2d6, impale), ML 8, impale: 1d6/action until freed + immobile, 2-in-6 local lore and legendry

Silversickle: Or silvershears, or moon-sword; all are common names for the witch-knights in silvery chain, dedicated to the moon and its changing ways. 5 HD, AC 14, +5 sickle (1d8+1), ML 9, lunar calling: berserk (self or target), confuse, heal 1d8+2, 20’ rad. illusion, invisibility (can use one of these every 1d6 actions)

False Sun: Can slime find enlightenment? This floating, drifting mass of soft glittering facets – a pure crystal of jelly – wishes you to believe, shining softly. 6 HD, AC 12, +6 rays (1d6/1d6, ranged), ML 9, flying, jellymind: sense jelly experiences (1 mi.), empty wisdom: answer one question

Tartari: Fair of face and sweet of tongue, tapered ears and silver promises, in finery of smoky faerie gossamer – but this fae lordling bids thee to hell itself. 6 HD, AC 14, +6 glass blade (1d8+1) or balefire (1d4 ranged + confused 1d4 actions), ML 10, 3d4 spells, create illusion, flesh curse: Save or cannot heal (24 hrs), create fae treasure (24 hrs), iron vuln, holy vuln

Hellmist: Perhaps not sporting, but this sleek demon with its black antlers and and skin like stained glass has little care once the deal is done. Perhaps its victims might stumble free? 7 HD, AC 15, +7 claw (1d6+2), ML 9, 2d4 spells, mundane immune, prismatic mist: 40’ rad. confusion 3d6 actions, cloud gate: transports subjects anywhere, 4-in-6 a prismatic mist forms to carry to hell 24 hrs later (Save)

Steelmender: Towering pantherine beast of many-limbed groaning metal and glowing glass, extruding humanoid arms to clutch the wounded and push them into the fluid cage inside. 7 HD, AC 17, +7 strike (2d6) or maw beam (1d6, ranged), ML 11, engulf, metal mend: engulfed target healed, including missing limbs, losing 1d3 stat points (1 hr)

Brightshield: This slender-necked, vaguely ox-like beast would really rather be left to graze peacefully, its rows of shining resinous black-plates soaking up the sun. 8 HD, AC 13, +8 tailspikes (3d4), ML 7, dazzle: confused 3d4 actions), trample: 2d4, lose next action

Gravedrake: Coiled on a mound of memorials and bone, a corpse-grey dragon laughs through ragged fangs and beckons visitors closer to death. 8 HD, AC 17, +8 bite (2d6 + graverot) or claws (1d4/1d4), ML 9, flying, 2d3 spells, graverot: lose 1 from a random stat/day until cured, animate skeletons (2d4)

Astrelderan: A stranger in the night – long silvery hair, long silver-grey robes, and eyes like dimming starlight. Grandparental encouragement in a voice older than the earth. 9 HD, AC 15, +9 open palm (2d4 + paralysis or blind, 1d4+4 actions), ML 10, teleport, conjure star lantern, oracle: answers on question (will give minor advice anyway), astral blessing: +2 to next rolls to heal, dispel enchantment

Behematiel: A massive beast, shaggy, taloned, horned, gnarled, slavering – but its hunched back bears brilliant wings and a mask of purity crowns its scarred muzzle, a ring of light entwines its horns. It lowers its head closer, listening. 10 HD, AC 16, +10 claws (2d6 + bleed 1d6), ML 11, flying, holy, still aura: 30’ rad. cure disease/influence, heavenrend: gains +4 to all rolls and damage (2d3 actions), discern truth, discern emotions, mundane immune

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