More critters!

Another pile of twenty, to be precise ~ and hopefully one more batch before too long.

(an argument could be made that with Kaijune right around the corner I could have just done critters then but I have these now. maybe even more in June if I'm not eaten alive, lol)

Dungeonsnaps: Hardy climbing vine. The flowers spit true seeds; the false pods are perfectly edible. 1 HD, AC 10, +1 seed (1d2 + Save or burrows, 2d4 targets), ML 12, burrowed seed sprouts in 6 hrs, -2 to rolls, transplants to stone in 12 hrs

Green Carpenter: Segmented oblong multi-legged arthropod, its chitin overgrown with moss. Harmless unless disturbed, eating detritus. 1 HD, AC 12, +1 spit (1s4 + bleed 1), ML 6, defense roll: curl up for +3 AC

Meadow Drake: Tiny but fierce, a grass-green dragon with glittering bright wings and the secrets flowers whisper. 2 HD, AC 13, +2 bite (1d4) or claws (1d3/1d3) or dizzying breath (3d4 + confused), ML 9, flying 1d6+1 spells, 1-in-6 magic reflect

Melit: This hedgeworker is devoted to the honeysuckle and the hive, sweet-tongued and concealing a terrible venom. 2 HD, AC 12, +2 needle dagger (1d4 + paralysis or pain), ML 9, pain: -3 to rolls for 1d4 actions, 1d4+1 spells, create honey ration

Niche Spirit: An empty niche, forgotten icon or even a defaced stela can still have a tiny guardian within. 2 HD, AC 14, +2 spirit bolt (1d6), ML 9, 1d6 spells, mundane immune, augury for offering

Deceiver Jelly: Thick, viscous jelly that takes the shape of whatever it absorbs and condenses magic. 3 HD, AC 12, +3 buffet (1d4/1d4/1d4), ML 12, engulf, 1d2+1 spells (extractable from mass)

Ferruteuth: Climbing, crawling constructs resembling dark metal squid, their arms lined with hooks. 3 HD, AC 16, +3 tear or constrict (2d6), ML 12, constrict: 1d4/action + immobile, climber

Longwarden: Haggard and quite dead, but no ghoul. A warden of monuments and standing stones, re-tracing engravings and patching barrow and plinth. 3 HD, AC 12, +3 claw (1d6), ML 9 (12 if defending stone), undead, icesigil (1d8), scribesigil, mendsigil (1d8)

Axiocact: Strangely symmetrical, translucent cacti, fluted and angular and walking on stout prismatic roots. Relentless. 4 HD, AC 13, +4 bash (1d6+1) or volley (1d6 ranged, 1d4+1 targets), ML 11, 2-in-6 magic reflect

Shamak: Devoted to the sun, this willworker has fire in their eyes; and the fire comes when they call. 4 HD, AC 12, +4 weapon (1d6), ML 9, scintilla (blinded 1d10 actions), 2d4 spells, sunbane: -3 in sunlight (set duration or break curse)

Sunscream: No phoenix, but a vulture of golden fire. Bitter and malicious, it seeks out weakness of heart and body and steals the senses. 4 HD, AC 14, +4 burning talon (2d6 + burn + bleed 1d3), ML 9, flying, fire immune, destroy sense (cursed until lifted), know desire, know flaw

Clewe: A lion, maneless but regal. Cloud-white, eyes blue as the sky. Come closer. Let your measure be taken. 5 HD, AC 13, +5 bite (1d8+1) or claws (1d10/1d10), ML 10, healing breath (2d6+2), trace bloodline, reveal name

Refractine: Golden light, like heat-haze, roughly human-shaped; desires to experience flesh and blood. 5 HD, AC 10, +5 dazzle (1d8 + blind 1 hr), ML 9, inner light: Save or possessed, Save daily to keep control until banishment

Corewright: Once a wonder-worker of metal marvels, now an exile, bitter, unshackled or both. More metal than flesh inside. 6 HD, AC 15, +6 implant (2d6) or joltwand (2d4 ranged), ML 8, repair: restore object/heal flesh via metal replacement, 3d4 spells

Stormwrack: Artificial elemental, wild wind and lightning bound around a hovering cobalt prism following a set command. 6 HD, AC 13, +6 bolt (3d6) or fling (100’, 1d6 + stunned), ML 12, flying, earth vuln.

Drakovis: Compact dragon cloaked in thick fleece, with curling horns and dense taloned paws. A wolf in the fold has something to worry about. 7 HD, AC 14, +7 bite (1d6) or horns (2d4) or sonic breath (3d6, ranged), ML 11, flying, 2d4 spells, trample 2d6 + stunned

Magma Lord: Temperamental burning mountain's heart, of many shapes but two desires – to consume, and to renew. Dungeons are maddening. 8 HD, AC 14, +8 strike (1d10+1, burn) or lava gout (2d8 ranged, burn), ML 10, ice vuln, fire immune, flame teleport 5 miles

Nightcaller: Sometimes a smiling, gentle traveller, sometimes a horror of darkness and pain, but always ready with a bargain. 8 HD, AC 15, +8 chill (2d8) or nightbite (1d6 + confused 1d4+1 actions), ML 11, mundane immune, nightwish: grant boon, giftee fails next major endeavour.

Grey Candle: White mask, grey shroud, drifting along translucent and silent; leading the dead to and from the underworld, a bridge between. Speaks but does not stop. 9 HD, AC 16, +9 lantern-staff (2d10), ML 12, mundane immune, summon ghost, speak with dead, Fear (-4, 12 hrs), open dead road

Thunderwalk: Called by great storms or calling them, it doesn't matter; what matters is the destruction in this lightning-blooded behemoth's whip-tailed long-necked wake. 15 HD, AC 15, +15 lightning bolt (10d6) or thunderwhip (8d8, stunned) or trample (12d6), ML 10, lightning immune, summon storm

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